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The Code Breaker Newsletter - Issue #003
The #1 Resource All Businesses Must Have In Order To Be Truly Free!
Hey Code Breakers,
Welcome to this week's Code Breaker Newsletter, where we share some of the best insights, tips, and stories on how to break the code on your market and unlock the potential within your business.
What were your thoughts on last weeks issue #002 breaking down the Story - Teach - Tool framework? |
In today's issue, I'm going to share one of the most crucial elements to your success.
As a business strategist, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most brilliant B2B sales consultants and NLP experts on the planet, and there’s one thing the best have that the rest don’t. This one thing, allows them to create a solid foundation, survive difficulties, and plan for future growth. It's essential. It’s simple, it’s strategic, but it’s often over looked. Admittedly, it’s one of the reasons I started Mind Vault and one of our core focuses in breaking the code. When my clients get this right, it unlocks unlimited potential within their business.
Unfortunately, this is one of the most neglected success tools I see when first working with B2B sales consultants and NLP experts. It's usually because it's easy in theory, but can prove difficult in practice.
Building Your Email List Is A Never Ending Process
There are many reasons people struggle with this but here are just a few:
It demands unmitigated daily discipline.
The results aren't immediate.
It usually takes some trial and error, frustration, determination, and optimism, and reapplication before you see results.
It's a never ending processes.
But there is good news. The process itself is fairly simple. It takes time. But if you stick with it, you'll reach a point where you'll never have everything you need to succeed, pivot, and exceed your goals.
Here's how, step by step:
Let's Dive In...
Step 1: Get REALLY Clear On WHO You Want To Serve
In this first step, you want to get REALLY clear on who it is that you want to serve. Most people fail to do this, and then wonder why they struggle to attract their ideals clients and build their list.
To do this, think about one single person you'd want to work with over and over and over again. What are their likes and dislikes? What makes them tick? What makes them the person you'd want to serve? Now, build in some of your own personality. What makes you unique, and how does that apply to this individual? What are the connection points that will naturally occur between the two of you.
When you shift your focus to the little things that connect you, it takes you out of the general space of "building an avatar" and into the space of building out your ideal client.
Step 2: Give them your BEST stuff!
Building your email list is based on a simple exchange, you give me your email and in exchange I'll give you "x".
Most people miss the boat here, because they skimp on the value and fail to consider just how personal email can be. For instance, did you know that email still has more users than any other social media platform (4.2 billion vs. Facebooks roughly 2.96 billion). But, people have become more and more resistant to giving out their emails as their inboxes get flooded by spam and other pointless crap.
To overcome this resistance you have to be willing to give away your best stuff, and ask yourself, would I be willing to trade my email and entrust my inbox to what I'm offering? If the answer is "no" then don't expect people to sign up for your offer/lead magnet. Make it compelling by offering your best stuff! This can be done through a free report, newsletter, video series, etc.
Step 3: Traffic - Traffic - Traffic
Now that you know who you want to serve, and you've figured out how to provide them with your best stuff, you have to get it in front of your ideal clients.
There are three primary ways to do this and future issues of The Code Breaker will break these down in detail, but here's a brief overview to get your started.
Owned Traffic
Traffic you own is essentially your email list. The key to leveraging owned traffic is to continually engage, build trust, and provide value to your list. It's kinda like a banking relationship. It requires deposits before you can make a withdrawal. And, if you over draft your account, you'll likely have to pay a fine to get in back in good standing.
Borrowed Traffic
Borrowing other peoples traffic is a great way to leverage the trust other people have already built with their audiences. The key here is to think of these relationships as collaborative and not competitive. I.e. you want to find people who serve your ideal client just before your client needs you or immediately after you've worked with them.
For instance, I personally don't run paid ads for my clients, so collaborating with someone who does is a great way to provide value to my audience and provide value to that persons audience as well.
Paid Traffic
The last type of traffic is the traffic that you buy, i.e. paid ads. Paid ads can be a great way to accelerate your growth. All it takes is a funnel, understanding the mathematics, willingness to invest, and discipline. This is another topic that I'll cover in-depth in future newsletter, but feel free to email me if you have any specific questions straight away!
Step 4: Convert People Onto Your Email List
This is one of the most rewarding steps in the entire process. Converting people onto your email list.
It's the first real sign that you're breaking the code, and your message is resonating. It's also the simplest step when done consistently after following the three steps above. All you have to do is ask!
There are likely a gazzilion ways to do this but two things are key:
Be extremely clear! A confused mind never buys nor does it sign up for stuff. If it's not clear how to sign up for your email list, you'll lose them. Make it clear!
Keep it to one ask at a time. If you're asking for people to like, comment, share, download, subscribe, etc all at once it's like asking someone to dance and marry you all in one shot. Slow it down. Add value, add value, ask, repeat.
Step 5: Nurture - Nurture - Nurture
Congratulations, you've got people on your list, but now what? Once you've gotten really clear on who you want to serve, you've given them your best content up front, you've driven traffic to that content, and converted them onto your email list, now it's time to serve them even more and nurture, nurture, nurture.
Now here's the thing... every body and their brother has a different opinion on how this should be handled. So here's my two cents: When in doubt, default to the golden rule - do unto others what you would have them do unto you. If you'd find value in daily emails, provide daily emails. If you'd get annoyed and you hate daily emails, then send them weekly, etc.
In my experience, when everything you're providing contains value for your audience, it's well received no matter how frequently it happens. There will always be haters but before assuming something doesn't work, ask yourself if there was truly value in what you provided.
This weeks issue was just a high level overview of each of these key areas which is why future newsletters will be deep diving into each of these exclusively, but for now, you've at least got the basics. My question for you is, where do you feel you need the most help with the above five areas? Email me at [email protected] and let's start the conversation.
See you next week!