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The Code Breaker Newsletter - Issue #001
The Live Content Framework
The Code Breaker #1: The Live Content Framework
In today's issue, I'm going to show you how to convert your ideas into credible content that leads to customer engagement.
If you master this framework, you'll improve your ability to take the ideas you have trapped in your head (what I like to refer to as your vault) and articulate them in a way that not only connects and engages your audience, but also get's them asking "what's next?".
And even if your audience isn't ready to buy, you can get them to take the first or next step on the journey to working with you by building trust, reciprocity, and moving them closer to what's next!
Unfortunately... most B2B Sales Consultants and NLP Coaches overcomplicate this process and make it more difficult than it needs to be.
You won't find your ideal clients in the "wild" if you're not willing to meet them there first.
Throughout my time as a coach, I've watched hundreds (and probably more) of B2B Sales Consultants and NLP Coaches fail to connect and ultimately convert their followers into clients.
The biggest challenges holding them back are:
Clearly articulating their message(s)
Lacking consistency
Expecting overnight results
Not knowing how to share their best content
Instead of fulfilling their purpose and reaching more people, they leave the ideas trapped inside their head and fail to get them out. That sucks!
That's why in this issue and the next few issues to come, I'm going to be sharing the best frameworks to master so you can unlock the potential inside yourself and get your message out to the world.
Here's the first framework, step by step:
Step 1: Tell them WHO you are!
Unless you're God, and even He in some cases, people don't know who you are. So tell them.
It may sound like:
Hey! I'm Nate Tutas...
Nate Tutas with The Code Breaker Newsletter...
Hey! I'm Nate Tutas, founder of Mind Vault and a business strategist to B2B Sales Consultants and NLP Coaches...
Even Russell Brunson, who I learned this framework from, tells you his name almost every time he goes 'Live'. Why? Because he wants people to remember his name and you should too!
Step 2: Tell them WHAT you're about to share!
Once someone tells you their name, what's the next question that pops in your mind??? If you like me, assume everyone wants something, then it's probably something along the lines of "great, what do you want?"
So tell them:
I'm about to share a simple framework to help you articulate your message.
After 15 years of complex B2B sales and three years of building my own highly successful coaching business, I'm sharing my best revenue building strategies today!
Over the past three years, I've been helping B2B sales consultants and NLP Coaches ditch their old business models and implement proven strategies that work in today's technologically advance world , and I want to give you a free four-week trial to The Code Breaker Academy today so you can learn these same strategies for FREE!
This is your opportunity to 'hook' the person viewing your content and get them interested in what's next. Most people fail here for two reason:
They leave their hook to generic and don't call out who specifically this post/video/offer is for.
They don't make the offer compelling enough to get people to continue on.
By clearly articulating WHAT you're about to share you'll get the viewer saying "tell me more" and will have opened a loop as we say in NLP.
Step 3: Tell them WHY they need it!
Now that they know WHO you are and WHAT you're offering, it's time to pass the "so what" test. Not to be confused with WHAT you're sharing the "so what" test is all about WIIFM, What's In It For Me. I.e. WHY it's important for them and WHY they should care.
I follow three of my favorite copy writing frameworks for this sections, but here's an easy one to get you started:
PAS: Problem Agitate Solve
Problem: I know that your businesses aren't getting the traction you want, and you're struggling to find your ideal leads and clients.
Agitate: Most B2B Sales Consultants and NLP Coaches are following traditional business models and haven't adapted with the rapid changing environments.
Solve: That's why I want to you to get your free four-week trial to The Code Breaker Academy so you can start implementing these business strategies today... and you won't have to spend thousands to learn them. In fact, I'll let you test out the Academy for FREE so you can see that they work before you pay a dime!
Step 4: Tell them HOW to get it!
This is where you finally get to do what you wanted to do in the first place and call the viewer/reader to action. It's the CTA (Call To Action) section where you tell them HOW to take action on what you've shared.
There are a number of different nuances to this bit depending on the context you're using the framework but the main thing is that it is clear and concise. A confused mind never buys, and a confusing call to action won't lead to anything either.
In this first sentence, motivate the reader by telling them of the light at the end of the tunnel.
Explain what this step, and the others before it, all ladder up to. Be specific, and give the reader hope as to what they can expect as a result of taking these steps.